Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hurricane Sandy: Interviews and Photos

Flooded cars in a Goldman Sachs garage, Financial District.

The BBC got ahold of me for a total of 4 interviews the day after Hurricane Sandy hit New York. At that point it was mostly remarkable to me how isolated little-affected areas were from the devastation the storm visited upon their neighbors.

More photos after the jump...
The Williamsburg bridge the morning after the storm, empty.
Tossed cars in Chinatown
Mother Nature Occupied Wall Street.
Chemicals and smells rise from underground.

A blacked-out downtown became a playground for some, a quagmire for others.
Empty Union Square, a street vendor working in the dark.

Reflecting now, it is quite frustrating to think of all the able-bodied people who were idle while those in neighboring communities of Breezy Point, the Rockaways, and the Jersey shore were in full emergency response mode. Granted, many people volunteered, and the recovery effort is continuing, but the ongoing examples of selfishness are disappointing. Equally disappointing are your average people who are unable to care for themselves in this trying time, people unwilling to walk or bike across a bridge to get back to their job, unwilling to carpool with strangers. To me it's a disheartening foreshadowing of the way the first world will react when environmental and economic situations become more severe in the future.

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