A whole ton 'o fun things are happening on two wheels next weekend. The flyer's a little cryptic, so allow me to explain:
First, 'mini bikes' are kid's bikes. anyone with $5 can get one from the DI and compete, or steal your little brother's. These are useful in the 'Mini Bike Gymkhana' (obstacle course of death) and the U bomb.
After the mini bike gauntlet is the bike porn event. More NSFW info here. This should be uncomfortable and hilarious. I'll be there.
Cap that off with midnight mass, the best damn ride of the month.
The next morning, we would be constructing monster bikes in the freakbike workshop, but we're going to be watching the 337 project get demolished . You'll have to pick your battles there. This is in preparation for the Tallie cat, which is a traditional alley cat on tall bikes/freak bikes. Lots of crashes, lot of blood, sweat, tears.
That evening is the first inaugural blackout hustle, a challenge I wouldn't miss for the world. This fast-paced ride is tireless and aggressive, not for the faint of heart. I bike every day, and I'm expecting to get 'dropped' in short order. But it'll be a blast.
Should shape up to be a pretty marvelous weekend, no? Read More......