Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Don't worry about missing me...

I'll be here ;)


Apologetically wishing you a happy summer wrought with cheesy ads, sandwiches, and bicycles. I'll keep you posted.


Tonight's the sprint up City Creek, see you there! Here's a shot from my practice the other night, laden with my gear for the trip, seemed doable though tiring:



Esther said...

Ahahahaha!!!! I love it! Get to see Davey every time I ride up... 6th? Looks like your modeling career has hit an all time high, literally! haha

quakers said...

holy mackeral.

so Ive been waiting for you mention further the details of your departure... and your blog?! is it going to wither away from disuse and neglect?

mrraww. when you comin back home slice?

Davey D said...

Haha, I know Esther, funny how successful my modeling career has been considering I don't intentionally have one...

Randella, This blog'll be my main way of reaching home, it'll have things on it from time to time, thanks for checking it out!

Anonymous said...

Golden, Davey, Just Golden...I Think its time to take your modeling to a new height, maybe we could get Vogue or someone else to do a special on you.

